Executive Manager

My name is Mahmoud Ibrahim Executive Manager of NZECS Ltd. I am New Zealand citizen and originally from Egypt. Because we use different naming system in Egypt, I would be identified in Egypt as “Mahmoud Fahmy Taher Ibrahim”.

In the early 90’s, I was enrolled in the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, to study Computer Sciences, and while studying the Dutch language I became aware of the point system to immigrate to New Zealand. I became interested in moving to New Zealand after learning about how beautiful and prosperous this country is so I migrated to NZ in November 1992.

Education has always been my passion, and I was ranked as one of the top student in almost all my education levels. I was the “top academic student” at my High School “El Akbat El Kopra Secondary School – Scientific Section – Mathematics Branch” Cairo, Egypt. Also at Cairo University, Egypt I was one of the top students in "Electrical Power & Machines Engineering". I obtained BE with honour degree in Electrical Power & Mechanics Engineering at Cairo University, Egypt , which was recognised by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. I continued my studies in New Zealand and obtained a Certificate of Engineering in Electronics and Computer Technology at Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of technology where most of my grades were at an A level.

Since there is a robust relationship between Engineering and Management I did a Master of Engineering in Management at Canterbury University, New Zealand. Throughout my time in New Zealand I discovered a passion for teaching and hence completed my Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Secondary) GradDipTchLn (Secondary). I am registered with  the New Zealand Teaching Council with the registration number 346989.


Strategy Advisors

Abraham & Solomon ( has New Zealand and overseas (particularly Egypt) business experience. The director, a chartered accountant in Egypt since 1987 with over 35+ years of extensive accounting experience, has worked for a variety of businesses and organisations in New Zealand and overseas. Having a sound knowledge about local (New Zealand) and Middle East’s markets the firm is able provide professional accounting service. Along with this, short and long term strategy to enhance and maximize the business of NZECS Ltd.


Consultant & Business Advisor

My name is Ahmed Elattar. I am a Civil Engineer, originally from Egypt. I migrated to New Zealand in 1994. Since that time, I have been living and working in many countries, but finally, I have moved down to New Zealand.

I have well-developed skills in communicating with different socioeconomic levels in the society which I acquired during working as an engineer in Egypt, New Zealand & Gulf countries.
I am extremely motivated, have a positive attitude and strive to achieve personal and work-related goals, I would be an asset to any organization, who prides himself on putting the customer first

I have joined New Zealand Education Consultant Services Limited since 2020 as a Consultant Advisor. I find my role here very interesting, talking to different people from all around the world, I have well developed organizational skills and excellent time management skills consolidated throughout my work as an Engineer.

I am a family man, devoted my life & passion to my wife and my two boys.

I feel being an Advisor is a mission rather than position since I give the sincere advice to students to build their future. I am glad working with the whole team of this organisation and be proud of being their colleague.
Come And Meet Me In New Zealand Soon


Digital Marketing Manager

اسمى خالد فهمى طاهر ابراهيم  مقيم بالقاهرة

و حاصل على بكالوريوس تجارة من جامعة القاهرة و ايضا دبلومه عامة فى التربية من جامعة القاهرة

 متزوج  وعندى ولد فى مرحلة التعليم الجامعى و بنت فى مرحلة التعليم الثانوى.

بدات حياتى العملية محاسب تحت التمرين فى احدى مكاتب المحاسبة القانونية  ونظرا لاهتمامى بالتعليم اتجهت الى العمل فى وزارة التربية والتعليم وبدات معلم حاسب الى, و تدرجت فى المناصب الادارية حتى وظيفة موجه حاسب الى, و تم تكليفى للعمل كمدير مدرسة - عدد الدارسين بها 3500 طالب وطالبة – واستمرت بها لمدة عامين ونظرا لشغفى للتدريب – حصلت على اكتر من 70 دورة تدريبية فى مختلفة التخصصات  - وقيامى بعمل اكثر من 100 دورة تدريبة للمعلمين والاداريين  فى ادارات مختلفة تم تكليفى بعمل مدير للتدريب والجودة باحدى الادارات التعليمية  , واختنمت عمل فى وزارة التربة والتعليم مدير شئون طلاب وامتحانات باحدى الادارات التعليمية 

عملت ايضا فى الهئية القومية لضمان جودة التعليم والاعتماد كرئيس فريق مراجعين وقمت بزيارة اكثر من 75 مؤسسة تعليمية على مستوى جمهورية مصر العربية للتتقيم المؤسسة ومدى اتباعها لمعايير جودة التعليم المصرية  والتوصية بالاعتماد او عدم الاعتماد 

 نظرا لعلمي بمدي اهمية رفع مستوي التعليم فى مصر الي المستوى الدولى اشارك الان فى تسويق بعض برامج التعليم من الجامعات والمعاهد النيوزيلندية المعتمدة..


Administrator and Marketing Manager

My name is Raghda Said, the Marketing Manager for NZECS. I am a New Zealand Citizen, originally from Egypt. I have a commerce and business background and have further completed English tertiary level studies in New Zealand.

I have raised three children in New Zealand. The eldest has graduated from University of Canterbury as a Structural & Geotechnical Engineer. The middle child has graduated from University of Canterbury as a Civil Engineer. The youngest is year 9 in Burnside High School.  
Having raised children through the New Zealand education system has provided me with a vast background and knowledge in the different areas from primary all the way to university. Education has always been a key component in my children’s upbringing which has encouraged me to research this area in order to find the best routes and opportunities for them. This is a skill that I have developed and wish to pass on these techniques to future children considering studying in New Zealand.

In terms of more social events, I am the President of the Egyptian Women Association of Canterbury Incorporated (EWAC). This association encourages women and kids to partake in events such as a kid’s day or come together in major times such as Eid.



Educational Consultant

My name is Manar and I am a Civil Engineering graduate who was born and raised in New Zealand. I am currently undergoing my Masters in Engineering Studies endorsing in Fire Engineering. Since I completed all my studying here (primary-intermediate-high school and tertiary), I am very familiar with the New Zealand schooling system alongside the society.

I get involved in many volunteering opportunities whether in or outside of university to broaden my knowledge and communication skills. I have worked a few various jobs in different fields to also extend my abilities and familiarise me more with the Western society. Currently, I am a part-time tutor in the University of Canterbury and focus on engineering professional subjects. I have also previously been a part-time maths tutor in Ara Institute of Canterbury.

My parents are immigrants from Egypt, and I am an active member in the Egyptian Women Association of Canterbury Incorporated (EWAC).

In my spare time, I love to read novels and go for walks.


I.T and Educational Consultant

Nader is a New Zealand born Computer Science Student with Egyptian immigrate parents, he has good knowledge about the New Zealand Educational System as he has gone through the system in Christchurch and has had the chance to even study for a while in Auckland. He is currently studying for a degree in Product Design, and his work is showed in this website, which he helped create and currently maintains.